Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Derek & Sheridan's Engagement Fun

Engagement Session: Derek & Sheridan
I met Derek and Sheridan through a mutual friend of Sheridan's mom and immediately hit it off with them. I knew the session would be a blast! We started off the afternoon with some fun shots of them playing basketball together. It was just fun to hang and watch them play, they really made it easy on me and were troopers for hanging in there while Texas brought down 90˚ heat on us. 

In case you didn't notice, Derek likes basketball.

We headed back in to Georgetown and perused around the square where we found some great locations to duck in and take some pictures. Thanks to Down the Alley Bistro and Landmark Tavern for allowing us to use their facilities.

Derek and Sheridan are super fun so I also wanted to take them to some cool eclectic spots in Austin and really let them play.

I just love the shot above! The first one you take is usually the best. Get ya some Derek! :]

Seriously these two are awesome!! Love this moment where Sheridan is looking to see how much Derek is committing to mimic the poster and starts to crack up.

And of course the Oasis was packed on a Saturday night so we had to wiggle our way to an "empty" spot, but we got a couple that I think captures how much these two love each other. I had a blast guys, thanks so much for allowing me to share in the fun!


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